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Live Performances Billy Wooten

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These images of Vibist Billy Wooten and guitarist Steve Weakley were made during the summer of 2011, just prior to their performance at the Arts Garden in downtown Indianapolis.  Both of these guys are fun to be around, very upbeat and positive with a ton of interesting stories about the late 60′s & early 70′s in Naptown.

I met Billy for the first time around 2004.  The naming rights to the Indy Jazz Fest had been purchased by the American Pianist Association earlier in the year after being run by the original organization for several years.  Many of the musicians in town were not happy with the direction of the festival and local musician Keni Washington and others organized a one night festival to take place the day after the Indy Jazz Fest.  The best of the best Indianapolis musicians were in attendance….Slide Hampton, Freddie Hubbard, Jimmy Spaulding, Jimmy Coe, Pookie Johnson, Phil Ranelin and just about every other jazz musicians associated with the Indy scene.  Billy was one of the guys playing this night.  Shortly after the set ended, everyone will milling around on stage and I decided to join them.  I got into a conversation with Jimmy Spaulding as I had met him the prior year.  Freddie Hubbard joined the conversation along with Billy.  Freddie and Jimmy had lived next to each other growing up so much of the conversation was reminiscing about that.  Although I don’t recall exactly what Billy and I spoke about, I recall I left there thinking here was a guy with a lot to say.

Billy was born in NYC and after spending most of the 60s on the road, he visited and ultimately moved to Indianapolis.  Billy has played with many great artists during his career including Donny Hathaway, Jerry Butler, Gladys Knight & Smokey Robinson.    Billy had a great band here in Indy called “Wooden Glasss” which was my introduction to his music.  In 1972, Billy recorded a now-legendary lp called “Wooden Glass Live featuring Billy Wooten” which was recorded in Indianapolis at a club called “The 19th Whole” where Billy played for 6 years.  If you’re a fan of the B3, guitar, vibes, drums and just funky music in general, track this cd down!  In addition, you’ll find Billy on “Visions” and “Shades of Green”, two recordings with one of my favorite guitarists, Grant Green.  Billy along with drummer Mad Harold Cardwell, another Indy based musician spent about 3 years with Grant.

Billy and long time friend and great guitarist Steve Weakley



Billy’s vibes and mallets





Billy Wooten


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