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Live Performances David Baker’s 80th Birthday Celebration!

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David Baker, the legendary musician, composer and Professor of Music at Indiana University was honored during his 80th Birthday Celebration on December 21st.  The black tie celebration took place at the Jazz Kitchen.  The night kicked off with a cocktail party, accompanied by pianist David Linard’s Trio.  As a student of Professor Baker’s for the past three year and this year’s recipient of the Owl Studios “Emerging Jazz Artist Program” (EJAP), expect a lot more to be heard from him in the future!

During a wonderful buffet, we were treated to a solo piano performance by another fine pianist, Zach Lapidus.  Zach was a finalist in the 2011 APA’s Cole Porter Piano Competition and another one to look out for.  Following Zach’s performance, David was presented with the prestigious “Sagamore of the Wabash” award.   An award given by the Governor, past recipients include artists, astronauts, musicians, presidents, politicians and other citizens considered to have contributed greatly to our “Hoosier” heritage.   Finally, the Buselli-Wallarab Jazz Orchestra took the stage to perform new arrangements of several David Baker’s compositions.  This music is finally available on a newly released recording called “Basically Baker”.  Pianist Monika Herzig was on hand as well.  Monika recently completed a very good book on David’s life called “David Baker: A Legacy in Music”.



It was a great night and I was happy to be a small part of it.  Certainly a celebration befitting a man with David’s credentials!

There will be another tribute to Professor Baker on the IU campus on January 21, including a panel discussion and several performance.  See more here.

For more on David Baker and his music,  go here  and don’t forget to check out David Brent Johnson’s outstanding Night Lights Program featuring Baker.  Don’t stop there, Night Lights has many wonderful musician profiles and music on the “archive” tab….check them out and support the program if possible.

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